Monday, November 3, 2008

Day Three

She drew herself to her full height, which admittedly, wasn't all that impressive compared to the lanky giant of a man sitting opposite. “I feel it is within my right, as a widow, to know what killed my husband. The man on the Tubes said it was an accident, but when I questioned further, he faltered. He said it was not within his jurisdiction to tell me. I feel that this is a slight.” She pursed her lips. “I also cannot help but get the feeling, Mr. Hewitt, that those responsible for letting me know that my husband had not want me to know what killed him.”


3699 words thus far!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

On your marks, get set....

NaNoWriMo is upon us once more!

This is my first 'serious' year, currently I'm 1036 words into it (wooooo!). That's....better than my first week, from a few years ago. *sob*

So what's my book about?

Well, it's a steampunk novel, but not in the sense that you might imagine. Yes, there are government coverups, a strong heroine, war machines, and more shiny brass inventions than you can shake your walking stick at, but you won't find any sky pirates, heaving bosoms, magic, or lost civilizations here!
I'd say more, but at the mo, I only have about an hour and eleven minutes to type another 500 words.
Wish me luck. >___>

Edit: 1777 words! Wooooooo!